Members can connect to MMIX using one or more physical connections and reach many other peers on the peering fabric, thus optimizing the cost per peer when exchanging traffic between different networks. Ports available are 1G,10G and 40G for traffic exchange.
Members can choose to establish private peering among themselves via a dedicated VLAN over MMIX infrastructure. MMIX does not assign IP addresses in the private peering VLAN and prohibits multiple MAC addresses on the port.
MMIX operates 2 route-servers (RS). Once peered with the RS, there is no need to maintain multiple BGP sessions with other members.
Please note the followings when peering with RS
MMIX will not provide colocation services. Anyone who need colocation service and connection to IXP, there are 2 options.
MMIX offers a monthly service level of 99.95% on peering port availability.
On fault escalation matters, please email to MMIX’s 24x7 helpdesk at for immediate assistance.